Led Master


Welcome to our FAQ, find the answers to all your doubts in this section.

Which screen size do you recommend?

The ideal size of the screen will depend on your project, there is a reference for each need, the final use you want to give to your screen will determine the type of reference suggested and the size to install. You are one click away from knowing which is the ideal screen for your project

What pitch do you recommend?

The Pitch of the screen depends on the area where it will be installed, the distance to the audience in the end use, the environment and the type of content to be broadcast. Tell us about your project and we will gladly tell you which pitch is the most suitable. You are one click away from knowing which is the right pitch for your project

How much electrical energy does a Led screen consume?

In general. Availability of a maximum of 1Kva/m2 is required. Quality Led screens are an efficient solution for convenient energy consumption, however it is advisable to make a pre-production visit to determine key factors when installing the screen. You are one click away from making a pre-production appointment for your LED display project.

How much does a Led screen cost?

The price varies, there are key factors to take into account, the thickness, the pixelation, the size, whether it is outdoor or indoor, among others. The final budget per M2 is sent taking into account these and other aspects that will determine the effectiveness of the investment. You are one click away from making a quote request for your LED display project

Do you have screens for immediate delivery?

We keep stock with the products with the highest turnover, however for certain projects special imports are made by air or sea according to the need for delivery times. You are one click away from making a quote request for your LED display project.

What guarantee do your Led screens have?

We have guarantees ranging from 1 year to 4 years depending on the reference, with the option for the client to extend it up to a certain period. You are one click away from making a quote request for your LED display project

How much does a Led screen weigh?

The weight of the Led screen depends on the finish, it is calculated by M2. It can be, for example, from the 3mm ones in 1.5K M2, the transparent ones between 7 and 15 kilos M2, the traditional ones between 18 and 25 Kilos and the outdoor ones and high capacity and resistance no more than 35 to 40 kilos per M2. You are one click away from making a quote request for your LED display project.

After choosing my screen, what is the next step?

At the moment of choosing your Led screen, two parallel processes begin, one administrative for the purposes of importation or availability verification and another logistical/technical in case it is required to adapt the space or issues of energy connectivity, data and structures for installation. . You are one click away from obtaining advice to choose the LED screen for your project.

Can I personally see a Led screen before deciding to buy it?

We have a show room where you can see different references in operation and live the live experience of the sensory impact of an LED screen. You are one click away from obtaining advice to choose the LED screen and schedule an appointment for our show room.

Where are the LED MASTER offices?

We currently have operations throughout Colombia, with our main office in Bogotá, we have offices in Ecuador and Canada. You are one click away from obtaining advice in the country or region that best suits your project.

What other elements are included when buying the Led screen?

When buying you will always have personalized professional advice, and depending on the type of screen chosen, you will have some accessories that can be fixing, installation or connectivity, neither processors nor structures are included, these will depend other factors and are quoted separately. You are one click away from obtaining advice to choose the LED screen for your project.

Does the Led screen include spare parts?

Within the warranty time of the LED screen, spare parts are considered according to the diagnosis to be made. After the warranty period, spare parts are considered separately as required by some type of additional preventive technical service. You are one click away from obtaining advice to choose the LED screen for your project.

Do you have photos of the led screens?

Visit our portfolio of projects in the "portfolio" menu